Terms Of Use

~ Terms of Use ~

No one under the age of minority should possess or consume any of the products in this cookbook. 

Certain ingredients referred to in this cookbook are considered controlled or banned substances in different places in the world. Please research the laws of your jurisdiction for potential civil or criminal liability for the possession of them. If the possession of such substances are prohibited in your area, do not use them in these recipes. 

The products herein should be used in moderation, and should not be used in conjunction with any activities that are dangerous or require focus and concentration, including the operation of vehicles and heavy machinery.

The author/publisher makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the results of making and/or consuming any of these products, and expressly disclaims liability for any errors and omissions in the contents of this cookbook.

The author/publisher claims no medical knowledge or research of the ingredients or recipes in this cookbook. Any claims to the medicinal or physical effects of any product contained herein is attributed to the effects observed by the author/publisher, and/or by anecdotal evidence.  

The products described in this book have not been tested with a large group of people in controlled scientific conditions, or for the effects of the consumption of the products over a long period of time.  

The information in this book is not intended to be used as a diagnosis or cure. Some people may experience allergic reactions or other side effects to various herbs. Please seek the support and advice of a physician before undertaking any course of treatment for particular health conditions.

The Big Cricket
